Cats are independent by nature. They're also creatures of habit. Once you get to know your cat's particular habits, you can use them to keep track of their health. Even a minor change in your cat's behavior can signify a serious health issue. Here are four behavior changes that might require a trip to the veterinarian.

Loss of Appetite

Your cat is usually right at the food bowl as soon as meal time arrives. Lately it's been avoiding the food bowl. If your cat spends time outside, watch its daily activities. It could be enjoying treats from your neighbors. However, if your cat spends its time indoors and has been avoiding its food, you should schedule an appointment with the veterinarian.

Litter Box Changes

Has your cat suddenly started urinating on the floor or spraying your furniture? Perhaps it's using the litter box more – or less – often than usual. Those are all signs that your cat may have a serious health issue that will require veterinary care. Urinary-tract infections and diabetes can both cause changes in your cats litter box habits. If your cat is exhibiting odd litter box habits, be sure to speak to your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Suddenly Unkempt

Cats are meticulously clean. In fact, grooming is among the most important daily activities for a cat. If your previously meticulous cat is suddenly unkempt, it may have an undiagnosed health issue that will require medical care. Things like arthritis, gum disease and tooth decay can make it uncomfortable for your cat to groom itself.

If your cat has stopped grooming itself on a regular basis, you'll need to consult with a veterinarian. Until you find out what's wrong with your car, you can help with the grooming by rubbing its coat with a moist cloth once or twice a day.

Change in Voice Patterns

You used to be able to pick out your cat's meow in a crowd. Now, it suddenly sounds different. If your cat has developed a raspy meow, you should take it to the veterinarian. In most cases, it will be something minor. However, there are some serious medical conditions that can change the way your cat meows. Some of those conditions include:

  • Calicivirus – upper respiratory infection
  • Herpes – weakened immune system
  • Laryngeal Paralysis – malfunction of the trachea

If you have a cat, you probably know it's behaviors by heart. The information provided here will help you identify potential problems from the changes in their behavior. 

Click here for info on pet health in general.
